For 2D, change the fps limit to your refresh rate. Disable vsync ingame, force it in the drivers and cap the fps to 60 in RTSS, to have the smoothest experience. 1 (not numpad): HUD toggle (with a nice collapse animation). Press alt+enter twice to trigger fullscreen and 3D again. After the starting logos, the game will disable 3D. "C:\GOG\Hollow Knight\hollow_knight.exe" -window-mode exclusive Make a shortcut to the game using the " -window-mode exclusive" parameter (without quotes) or put it in GOG Galaxy (remember to disable the Galaxy in-game overlay or you may have crashes at boot) or the Steam launch parameters. Download this file and extract (with 7-zip, for example) its contents in the "Hollow Knight" folder, where "hollow_knight.exe" is. Fixed shaders using DarkStarSword Unity scripts (I don't know how they looked before applying them). Remember to check the last installation step now. Besides, I have tweaked depth detection in the HUD depth mod, so it won't slightly modify unrelated game elements anymore. I have also updated the 3Dmigoto version, allowing shift+F1 and shift+F3 for backwards cycling of convergence and HUD depth presets. Update (): fix updated for game version (Lifeblood), which needs a completely new set of shaders. The depth of field toggle only works if you set that setting to High.

I have also updated the 3Dmigoto version because the game now needs the 64 bits version. Update (): fix updated for game version 1.5.75 (fixed one haloing problem). 3D Vision fix for Hollow Knight, with extra graphics options.